Entries in Lana Del Ray (1)


It's just a summertime, summertime update...

The title of this post is obviously inspired by Lana Del Ray's ubiquitious lead single off her newest album (which, although it was only released at the end of June, has become so overplayed as to make it the bane of my existance driving to work in the morning). It's been a musical sort of month for me, which has lead to some good art, as well as some interesting opportunities.

What's this? More updates to the Tiny Little Boxes series!I've got some fun new updates to the Tiny Little Boxes series, which has been a lot of fun for me. If you've been a regular follower of the R Rutledge Online tumblr, I started creating collage art for the different mixtapes I burned based off the playlist (check out the /mixtape archive for some of my earlier.. um, well, attempts haha); music still plays a huge part in my creative process, especially when it comes to this series.

I also updated my digital photography archives, and am currently sorting through my newest rolls of film for the next major update. I'm also really thrilled to announce after some time away, I've started getting back into the Book Project, with updates to that to be up before the end of the summer. Yesterday I posted about working with the Parsippany Historical and Preservation Society, which I'm really excited about. It's a great group based out of my hometown that I've always been happy to support, and I'm thrilled to be able to get them their start within the social media platform.

The last little bit? An updates to my links sections - there's some awesome new blogs up there you should check out, so definitely don't be shy :)

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful summer weekend... more things will be coming before you know it!

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