Entries in performance art (2)


Letter to the World III - An Update!

Letter to the World III (which I previously posted about here and here), which was a fantastic site-specific piece created by my former professors D. Chase Angier, Marketa Fantova, as well as Evelyn Leblanc Roberge and featuring a performance by my friend Kim Rau (as well as others) made an absolute splash at the World Stage Design 2013 earlier this month in Wales. Congratulations to everyone!


Letter to the World III - Kickstarter

Another month, another awesome Kickstarter campaign for some amazingly talented friends of mine.

Letter to the World III is an awesome site-specific piece created by D. Chase Angier, Marketa Fantova (both of whom I've had the pleasure of being taught by while I was a student at Alfred University), and Evelyne Leblanc-Roberge that includes performances by another good friend of mine, Kim Rau. They've got nine days left in the campaign to raise the $2500 they need to perform at the annual World Stage Design, which is being held this year in Wales. Be sure to check it out and help them get to where they need to be :D