Entries in Rachel Jernigan (1)


Meme the World... with Justin Crowe!

One of the newest things I've taken on this year is becoming a blogger for my good friend Justin Crowe and his entrepreneurial new artist gallery/showcase website, He's recently started another project that I'm super excited about.


Meme The World is this really great conceptual art project, and although the Kickstarter video explains it so much better than I ever could, you should totally check it out - by pledging, you have an awesome opportunity to not only become a part of a worldwide phenomena (because seriously, who doesn't want to drink some tea/coffee/etc. in a mug with a cat on it these days?) but you also have a chance to get some really cool art from some really awesome artists (Justin Crowe, Scout Dunbar, Peter Pinkus, Rachel Jernigan, CJ Hungerman, and Emily and Laura Smith).

And again... it's a cat mug. Enough said. You have until April 5th, so go pledge their Kickstarter campaign! GO!!!

In the meantime, I've uploaded some new/old work to the various galleries, so go take a peek. More updates and hopefully my first Dizbe blog post coming soon... how is it March already?!?