
Laura Smith and "Project Butterfly Earrings"

Another day, another Smith sibling doing something amazing. This absolutely gorgeous piece, created by Laura Smith and Dorothy Smith (and currently featured on Design Faves), is the perfect artistic way to start off the summer. The ingenuity to create this piece is just fantastic, and the video is an absolute joy to watch!


Be sure to check out Laura's new website too, for more great art from her :D


Emily Smith and Making Unmaking!

I'm so happy for my good friend Emily Smith, as she's found such an amazing group of people to be working with out in Brooklyn.

This weekend she has an amazing show she's a part of over at the Glasshouse, and I highly suggest you go see it, since everything I've seen her be a part of in the last year in collaboration with this group has been awesome. The performances run first at 7pm and then again at 9pm (although there's stuff going on from 7-11pm on both the 11th and 12th), so if you're in the area, definitely go on over and check it out!


Brandi & the TAOS Clay Studio

This week is about to become full of updates, because all of my friends are doing really interesting things. Also, I'm doing some really interesting things too :D

First off, we're going to start with my friend Brandi Jessup, who is now doing wonderful things as the new owner/director of the awesome Taos Clay Studio in Taos, NM. I just know she's going to do fantastic things, and the studio itself looks like an amazing place, so I definitely suggest you check it out if you're in the area of New Mexico, or if you just love ceramics... or if you're looking for a pretty sweet residency.

Speaking of how very cool things seem to be, watch the video below (Brandi's first day was April 1st... she is definitely a brave soul)...



The newest Dean Michaels Studio contest...

It's that time of year again! After the success of both the 2012 and 2013 Facebook Contests for Dean Michaels Studio, today's the start of the 2014 contest. After three years of this promotion for the Facebook page, I've learned a few things regarding getting our customers both interested and involved. This means that I made a few changes this year regarding the overall design and feel of the samplers (based upon the past winners and their preferences/changes they've suggested), and how I collect information for the grand prize round at the end of the year.

Be sure to click here or on the photo below to check out the start of the 2014 contest!


Updates, updates, and more updates!

It's been a busy couple of weeks... (oh god, now I'm even writing my website updates like the blogs I write for work...) but no really, it has been. I'm starting to color test and reprint some of the prints I'm most interested in for the tiny little boxes series (speaking of which, check out the new ones I put up today, both on tumblr and on the website), as well as pairing them into groups and different layouts to figure out the flow of things.

Besides that, I've just got a huge hall of film in lately (including a roll I thought I had misplaced, but hadn't in actuality), so I should be uploading the newest ones, fingers crossed, by the end of this week. In the meantime, I've got some new stuff up in digital land, too, as well as some new great links and whatnot that I think you should pay attention to.

It's just been a good work week this week. I'm so happy it's spring!!!